About me

Fiona Minton

I have always been passionate about helping people.

My professional journey commenced with The Salvation Army working with homeless youth in the inner city of Sydney and then moving to the Red Cross joining in their residential program working with pregnant teenagers.

I am a person who understands that life is not black and white, that life can be messy and can be complicated and there is a real cost to working with such complexities. 

My church ministry life formally started in 2000 firstly as a Ministry Training Apprentice in my local Anglican church. After attending Moore Theological College I have worked in Anglican and Baptist Churches in paid and voluntary positions for the past 24 years. Over the past 11 years I have also worked (and continue to do so) as an Aged Care Chaplain. I am a wife of a Baptist Minister and therefore see first hand the joys and disappointments in ministry. I am also the mum of two teenagers.

My Studies

2023 – Graduate Certificate in Professional Supervision, St Mark’s Theological College

2004-2007 – Bachelor of Theology, Moore Theological College

1995-1997 –  Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology, Human Bio Science), University of New England

I am an Associate Member and registered through the Australasian Association of Supervision.

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?
Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your father’s care.